Welcome to Arundel Museum
Opening Times
Open Daily: 10am – 4pm, including Bank Holidays.
Admission Prices
Adults £5.00
Children under 6 years Free
Children (6-16 years) £3.50
Family (2 adults and children) £10.00
One adult family (1 adult and children) £8.00
Seniors £4.50
Students £4.50
Members Free
Arundel Museum is a registered charity and relies on fundraising, membership and donations.
Introducing Arundel
The film picks up the major themes in the Museum, including the historic port and the castle. Even shows you some flint hand axes which were discovered near Arundel, these were used by our ancient ancestors half a million years ago.
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English Civil War in Arundel
Songs from the Civil War era is a project supported by the National Heritage Lottery Fund. It involved working with local schools teaching them the songs. Also, there was a concert from the Duck Pond Sailors in St Nicholas Church. Arundel Museum’s YouTube channel has a flavour of the project with different videos showing the activities. For now, enjoy the highlights!