Arundel Museum Society is a charity that relies on funding from a wide range of sources, and welcomes support from generous individuals.
No matter what size, you can remember Arundel Museum Society by leaving a gift in your will.
Pecuniary Gift
This refers to a cash gift, a fixed sum, such as £400 or £4,000.
Residuary Gift
This is a share, or sometimes all, of your estate. After you’ve made provision for your loved ones you can leave a share of what remains to charity. A Residuary Gift is usually expressed as a percentage of the value of your estate after all your other wishes have been met and expenses paid.
Specific Gift
This refers to a particular item, such as property, antiques, jewellery and shares This means leaving something of value like an antique or piece of jewellery.
When writing your will we recommend using a professional, such as a solicitor, to help advise you on what type of legacy will best meet your wishes.
Wording for a residuary legacy
“I give a …% share of my residuary estate to Arundel Museum, Mill Road, Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 9PA (Arundel Museum Society Registered Charity No. 1140198) for its general purposes. I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the said gift”
Wording for a pecuniary legacy
“I give the sum of £… (amount in figures and words) to Arundel Museum, Mill Road, Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 9PA (Arundel Museum Society Registered Charity No. 1140198) for its general purposes. I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the said gift”