Arundel Museum is almost exclusively run by volunteers who have a passion for the history of the town and its people
We are proud of the history of the museum, from its first inception within the old prison cells of the Town Hall in 1964, to it’s modern, accredited building, opened by the Duke of Norfolk in 2013. This pride is reflected in the collection of awards that the new museum has received since opening.
Arundel Museum was delighted to receive The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service (QAVS), 2016.The Queen’s representative, Lord-Lieutenant of West Sussex, Mrs Susan Pyper, presented the museum with a certificate, signed by the Queen and a commemorative crystal, now proudly housed in the museum foyer.

Arundel Museum received a Highly Commended Award in the New Buildings Category of the inaugural Civic Voice Design Awards, 2015. Civic Voice is the national charity for the civic movement, This local museum is one of just 12 national schemes recognised for their contribution to improving the quality of built environment. This award recognises what can be achieved when both national and local government engage effectively with the professions and the communities they serve and was presented by Griff Rhys Jones, Civic Voice President.

Arundel Museum is a Winner of the Public and Community Category of the Sussex Heritage Trust Awards, 2015.

Charity of the Year
Arun business partnership
This award recognises the fabulous work that so many of our local charity and community interest companies do. Many local services are now run by charities and CICs that are at the very heart of our local community.

Lord-Lieutenant’s Office, Queen’s Award for Voluntary Services, 2016
I am writing to inform you that Arundel Museum Society Volunteers was nominated for The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service 2016. This award was created by The Queen in 2002 to mark the occasion of her Golden Jubilee, recognising excellence in voluntary activities carried out by groups in the community. It is the MBE for volunteer groups. The work your group does for the community was very much admired by the independent Assessment Committee, chaired by Sir Martyn Lewis CBE and I am delighted to inform you that your group has been selected as a recipient for The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service (QAVS) 2016. The award of The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service 2016 represents a tremendous achievement for your organisation. We hope that everyone involved, and particularly your volunteers, feel immensely proud of the recognition that
Judges Citation, Sussex Heritage Trust, 2015
Arundel’s new Museum perfectly meets its brief, namely ‘to create a durable building of quality which responded appropriately to the setting in terms of townscape and history and to budget’. The available space led to a tapered riverside elevation and nautical references, while the walls of flint and brickwork reflect the character of the surrounding built environment. We regret the use of prefabricated flint panels, rather than authentic flintwork, but the overall impression is not displeasing. Generally, workmanship is of a high standard and the choice of materials is appropriate. The displays inside the museum are
well-designed and informative, enabling the visitor to gain a real understanding of the town’s history. This significant project was delivered by a dedicated band of volunteers, whose work should be applauded.